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How to get here

„ban Hofa“

Hoferhof | Family Jocher
via San Giorgio 54
I-39042 Bressanone
South Tyrol/Italy

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Arrival by car

Coming from north

Highway-exit A22 Bressanone Nord/Val Pusteria, turn right and drive on national road SS12 – Brenner road in direction Bressanone. Drive through Varna and Bressanone, at the  5th roundabout turn left (Follow the signs to Sant’Andrea/Plose/Afers for approx. 15 km/10 mi). After the village centre of Afers you will find the junction “ban Hofa” on the right hand side.

Coming from South

Highway-exit A22 Chiusa/Val Gardena, turn in direction Brixen (take the left exit of the roundabout, turn on national road SS12 to the right). After entering Brixen, turn right at the 2nd roundabout (Vittorio-Veneto-Straße / Mozartallee). Follow the signs to Sant’Andrea/Plose/Afers for approx. 15 km/10 mi. After the village centre of Afers you will find the junction “ban Hofa” on the right hand side.

Arrival by bus

We are happy to pick you up at the bus station! Please state when booking!

Arrival by plane

Look for flights to Innsbruck, Verona, Munich, or Bergamo. Direct bus connection to South Tyrol by SüdtirolBus.

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Brixen Plose